
Colours of Vietnam does not represent any airlines as agents. Hence, the client is advised to purchase your own air tickets to Vietnam.


If required, we can also help you purchase your tickets directly through the airline with an additional fee of 10% of the total cost of purchase. As part of our service, we will also help you monitor and recommend the best prices across all the airlines.


If required, we can also help you purchase domestic airline tickets with an additional fee of 10% of the total cost of purchase.


In both instances, the original receipts from the airlines will be provided to the client.


Colours of Vietnam does not work exclusive with any hotels because we believe in giving the best recommendations to our clients. Instead, we can help you make your hotel bookings in either of 2 ways:


1. - We are an affiliate partner of If required, we will help you make your hotel booking through at no extra charge to you. You will receive the original receipt from as proof that we have not marked up on any of the rates.


2. Direct - For all hotel booking requests, we will do a comparison as to whether the rate offered on is more competitive than the rates offered directly by the hotel. The lower rate will be offered to the client. Colours of Vietnam does not impose any mark up on these prices. To obtain a quote for Direct-To-Hotels prices, simply fill in the form below:

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.